Pumpkin pancakes with Occelli® butter

Pumpkin pancakes with Occelli® butter

Sweets and desserts                 


40 minutes                         




150 g pumpkin pulp

20 g Occelli® butter + enough for cooking

70 ml milk

1 egg

70 g wheat flour 00

1 tablespoon sugar

½ teaspoon cinnamon powder

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 pinch of salt


Pumpkin pancakes are an original and tasty autumn version of the classic American pancakes: preferably eaten at breakfast, served with lots of honey and Occelli® butter (which is also used in the preparation) in chunks, to start the day with a good reserve of energy!


Or they can be served with maple syrup (as tradition dictates) and perhaps some fresh fruit to taste.

If you want to make them in a salty version, simply do without cinnamon and sugar.


First, prepare the pumpkin: cut it into chunks and steam it for 5-10 minutes or until soft (cut it into small pieces to reduce cooking time). Alternatively, you can also bake it in the oven if you prefer.


Once cooked, let it cool a little and then blend it to a puree (if you don't have a blender or a minipimer, you can simply mash it well with a fork).


Melt the Occelli® butter in a small saucepan. Combine all the liquid ingredients in a bowl: the lightly beaten egg, the milk and the melted butter. Stir in the pumpkin puree and mix well.

Separately, mix the dry ingredients together: flour, yeast, sugar, salt and cinnamon. Now combine the two compounds, working everything well with a whisk to avoid the formation of lumps: you need to get a smooth batter.

Separately, mix the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and cinnamon. Now combine the two mixtures, working well with a whisk to avoid lumps and obtain a smooth batter.

Heat a non-stick pan, melt a pad of butter in it and pour in a ladleful of the mixture. Turn the pancake with a spatula when bubbles form on the surface and brown it well on the other side. Continue in this way until all the batter is used up, basting the pan from time to time if necessary.

Serve the pancakes stacked on top of each other, accompanied by honey and Occelli® butter chunks!